Saturday, August 1, 2009

Protests, Rallies, and Large Signs

I didn't quilt at all on Saturday. I got my haircut, went to JoAnn's and got ALL of the fabric (excluding the backing) for my next table runner quilt, and as I was driving home, I noticed some form of protest going on outside a local grocery store, Randall's. (Don't come home early from France, Mom and Dad - I didn't participate and I didn't get arrested.) Now, to give you an idea of Randall's, when I moved to Austin a year ago, I was given the impression that it was one of the more expensive grocery stores, and I noticed a lot of fancy cars and business-suit wearing shoppers. In order to snoop at my first ever sighting of a protest, I couldn't find a spot and the crowd decided to move down my parking aisle! After a little bit, I found out what they were doing: they were shouting "Just say no!" to some form of politician or another. I couldn't figure out if it was planned that the man would be there, or if word spread fast that he shops at Randall's. The whole rally had to do with governmental health care. It would make sense that the rich(er), more conservative part of town would be against this, but I still chuckle that it was outside of a Randall's!

The only other "protest" I went to was when the students at Virginia Tech were mad about Virginia's college budget cuts. Everyone wore orange and maroon, and spelled out "CUT THIS?" on our Drillfield (large, open grassy area), we took a picture and sent it to the governor. I was the inflection point of the question mark. So exciting - I know.

The last time I've seen that many poster board signs with a large crowd would have to be ESPN's pre-game day when they filmed on the Virginia Tech campus. I'm pretty sure the Randall's crowd wasn't already drunk at 11am, and they didn't have moving parts on their signs. Nor did they have their faces painted, or were wearing wacky clothes to try to get on TV.

They also have "Rally Day" at church, but I'm pretty sure it's just a label that means "Summer's over. Y'all better come back to church soon."

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