Thursday, January 28, 2010

ACC stands for "Also Churchville-Chili"

Growing up, it was the joke that MCC (Monroe Community College) stood for "More Churchville-Chili," which was the name of my high school. Well, I went back in time last week and attended my first class at Austin Community College. Woo, I can now legally get a student discount!

I'm taking American Sign Language. Prior to ACC, I've taken a few Community Learning classes for ASL. The benefits of ACC: (1) I'll be in class 3x as long each week, (2) My company will pay for the class if I get a C or better (I still have to pay for the books), (3) I won't learn bad words on a weekly basis. Really, there's no need for the instructor to tell me about what drugs he was addicted to, (4) I will re-live high school because there's enough drama in any given classroom for it to be Also Churchville-Chili. (The benefit now is that there are actual ceiling and floor tiles, and so far, I have not had a conversation of classmates where they talked about hitting a cow with their car. I conclude this with saying, "Yes, my high school experiences were interesting.")

I've been signing some words to baby Emma, and for Christmas I gave her the first DVD in the series "Baby Signing Time." So, here is the ASL alphabet. Now you're hooked, right?

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