Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Going green: and I'm not talking about the grass

This is a "green" bag I made. It took me some time getting started (after cutting everything out), but I finished it! I have yet to find the perfect piece of cardboard to cover & use as a bottom of the bag. I'm thinking of sewing that into the bottom so the bottom is even sturdier. That might counter the idea of having a bag I can throw in the washer, but we'll have to see. Maybe just sewing a fake hem around the base will help. I have a family reunion blog and a blog about my next quilt soon to come!


  1. You might try taking one of the rubber bottoms out of a 99 cent grocery bag. They're very sturdy and would hold up to the wash. Love the bag. Lane

  2. Awesome bag! I suggest buying some plastic canvas to use as the bottom. It's super cheap and has a grid to aid in cutting.
