Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Santa, Baby!

Get it? Santa's on the fabric and it's for a baby! I know if you're related to me, you're either rolling your eyes or you're my dad, proud to pass along your "humor."
While shopping last Friday at JoAnn's, there were a lot of Christmas fabrics that were on sale. I had to get some and make something! These are two soft, flannel fabrics perfect for a baby's touch I, as our bi-weekly tradition continues, was shopping with Babita and baby Emma - which caused a suggestion of a bib and burp cloth to be made. Emma is in the stage of spitting up a lot (I hope it's just a stage - possibly it's all a part of the "infant" stage), so I was more than happy to make something stylish to wipe up the drool.

Click on the picture to get an enlarged view - There's a snowflake/flower stitch in my sewing machine that I lined the borders with. Sew fun! Get it? SEW (so) fun!! (Ok, Dad, stop patting yourself on the back. I'm done with the jokes.)
These were easy to make, and fairly cheap. I might go back to JoAnn's sometime this week and stock up on a few flannel fabrics. I might veer away from baby quilt making and take on sewing other baby items.

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