Wednesday, December 16, 2009

O (Felt) Christmas Tree, O (Felt) Christmas Tree

I wasn't feeling the Christmas spirit this year. I was far too busy to get time to put up my tree & Christmas decorations. Don't fret - I did pull out a few. This Advent Calendar is modeled after one I had growing up. I put up days 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, and 22 (Darn you, three siblings that I had to share the calendar with!) Each day, we put on a new ornament or velcroed a present under the felt tree. The 24th is traditionally a Santa ornament. I was able to tailor the ornaments on my tree: can you see the VT? That was day 3. The weird red ribbon is a pin I got in Scotland to support breast cancer (it's shaped like a heart if you look at it right). And the cube probably used to be a key chain puzzle that I got in a Happy Meal or something. This is the first year that I put on the string of lights. I like the idea, but leaves less room for ornaments. Once all 24 are up there, I'll decide if it's worth having the lights or not. Luckily enough, JoAnn's sells sticker felt letters & numbers. Because so many 1's are used, I think I have to buy 2 or 3 packages for one calendar. I usually try to swap in new ornaments each year, so I get to pick my favorite.

My low-riding Santa is my second favorite Xmas decoration. I'm pretty sure it was $3 and I bought it with my sister (Hi Alison!) after Christmas one year. We just couldn't stop laughing! Yes, it's pimped out with a green light under the car, and there are hydraulics that move the car up & down to the tune of "Low Rider." Can you see the difference in height between the two pictures? Look closely at the front wheel. To top everything off, Santa and the reindeer bobble. Don't be jealous.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot help being jealous! Love the car and want the advent pattern.
