Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Quilted Runners!

Hours and hours and hours. That's the time I spent finishing the red and tan table runner. I worked hard to get the binding sewed via machine before I left Austin. I snuck a sewing needle and two safety pins into the airport to whip-stitch the binding in place while I traveled home. I finished in time to wrap it and put it under the tree.

To quilt it, I stitched in the ditch for the center, and hand-drew flowers all around the red border. As suggested by Lane (my quilting coworker), I used a red thread on the top of the quilt and a brown underneath. This way, she can use either side. Per Lauren's usual excitement when opening gifts, she was giddy and giggly about it.
Both my sisters loved their table runners. I completely tricked Alison with her funky runner - she had no clue it was for her. And I'd have to say both runners are extremely different, and fit each sister's personality. Now I can tell you that the bubble gum pink quilted words that I put in her quilt were all inside jokes that we've had throughout the years and in our travels together. Unfortunately, her quilt was too small to include a bit about when we ran out of a bathroom in Ireland and she had toilet paper stuck to her shoe. That's okay though - since we were in a hostel, it probably wasn't QUILTED toilet paper. (Gee, I better get back to Austin soon so I stop making jokes that only my parents will find funny.)

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