Monday, September 7, 2009

My $3 Skirt

Yes, in total, this skirt cost me $3 in fabric, and that's all. I scanned the bargain racks to find this flowy peach with with star-ish flowers. I thought the vertical grains would be great on a skirt and at the very least, it might help slim down these dreaded Kasiske hips.
You'll see it looks fairly similar to a skirt I already own. I actually am in love with this polka dotted skirt, but have a feeling it's going to be ripped up some day soon. I noticed some puckering with the new skirt - I think the bias on the polka dot is at a 45 degree angle from how I sewed up the peach (because of the visible vertical lines!), so if I'm going to make another one, I will have to keep this in mind.
How did I only spend $3 on the peach fabric and not buy any stretch spandex fabric to go underneath? Recycling! I was (and still am) a fan of camisoles. This one I happened to hold on to for a while because it was gold (you might notice a little sparkle). Now I regret already getting rid of the rest of mine. I'd have to say that the best part about this is that I didn't really have to work with the edges of a stretchy material. They were already complete. The waist band is perfect - The cami had a built in bra, which you can see had a thick band, which coincidentally fits around my waist perfectly! Yes, I still have to work on removing the label without stretching the fabric too much, but it's not too noticeable as-is.

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