Monday, November 2, 2009

The super-secret sewing project is revealed!

I can assure you this is not my child. But, that is an original Shelley dress, original Shelley ruby red slippers, and original Shelley bow. In attempts to save money, I was asked by a friend (hi Babita!) if I could make her daughter's Halloween costume. Thank goodness the parents wanted a basic costume, and not something super-complicated like a dinosaur or super-layered like an onion.

Babita, the baby, and I went shopping for the fabric lace, and buttons using JoAnn's exciting 40% off coupons for everything that wasn't already on sale. I think the total outcome came to ~$8. The fabric for the shoes ended up coming from my quilting coworker (thanks Lane!), which was so much better than what we initially bought. To make it easier on me (and I disguised it by saying "making it easier for anyone who dresses the child"), the buttons don't button - there's Velcro underneath. Oh how I love to avoid making button holes!

I've gotten many praises and compliments on it from Babita - and I don't think they're all to butter me up for next year's costume. She said she loves it even BETTER than what you can buy online or in a store. (It's probably better quality too.) The family sent out Halloween cards of their little one, and they've gotten compliments on my sewing work from that too.
To me, it's like dressing up a doll. It wasn't too much work, and anything looks cute on a baby! Plus, I had about 3 "dress fittings." What a great excuse to hang out with my friends!

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