Monday, October 26, 2009

Yum - ice cream cake!

Ice cream cake is a staple at Kasiske birthday parties. A friend's baby just happened to get baptized on my little sister's 22nd birthday, and they just happened to have a dinner party the night before. What better way to extend the Kasiske sweet tooth than to offer to bring dessert in the form of an ice cream cake? Let me assure you, making an ice cream cake is SO MUCH BETTER than buying one. I told a coworker I'd blog the recipe for her enjoyment.

First, get out your aggressions by beating up a bag of oreos, or faux-oreos. I opted for "2wisters" which may also be "Qwisters" or "Zwisters" depending on the fact that the 2 might not be a number. Add some melted butter and this becomes your crust. (I'd like to experiment by adding a little caramel - it would still help stick the finely crushed crumbs together.)
You'll need 2 different kinds of ice cream. This is the best part because you can tailor it to your favorites. I don't like chocolate ice cream, so I picked cookie dough and some sort of turtle something or other. Ice cream in square boxes works the best since you'll have to cut it up and piece it into the cake. Lay one type of ice cream down - it's easier if the ice cream is on the soft side.
Add a layer of caramel. This was my mistake. I didn't want caramel sitting around my apartment because I was sure to eat it. Since the calorie count was high, I added the whole jar. This was far too much. I'd suggest 1/3 - 1/2 of a jar. Save the rest for another time.
Then slap on your second type of ice cream. You're almost done!
Melt some chocolate chips with a little bit of butter. It might be liquid-y when you stir it, but once it hits the cold ice cream, it'll harden. Spread it thin (it's hard to cut into if it's too thick), across the cake. This is the yummiest part (aside from the cookie dough if you get cookie dough ice cream), but like the caramel, you don't need too much. Let me warn you - DO NOT PUT CANDLES DIRECTLY INTO THE CHOCOLATE LAYER. I made this mistake once, along with having the chocolate being too thick, and we were eating wax. The candles couldn't (easily) come out of the cake. I had to cut around it and it was a big fat mess. Enjoy!

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