Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fake pictures (until I can download real ones)

I've been pretty busy lately, but haven't been able to upload pictures since mid July. Relying on other photographers doesn't quite work either. I'll upload pictures (since some are awesome!) once I get my cord back (I mentioned I lost it in a prior post - I left it in my parents' kitchen). Since July, I have:

Won a hula costume contest with Mike. (Really Mike won because a coconut bra and pink grass skirt on a male is funnier than on a female. Since I bought the costumes, I'm allowed to say that we won.)

There was a Sage Meadow Family Fun Day to celebrate my neighborhood's one year birthday. Snow cones, a bounce house, and a waterslide were included. I'm still tracting down pictures of me.

I've been working on a rainbow sewing project. I have to kick myself to get working on it, but it's coming along. Since I'm headed out of town so much in the next month, I don't know when it'll be finished. Hopefully sometime before the summer ends. (Thank goodness hot weather lasts until early October in Austin!) Plus, I need to start sewing a ring cushion for my sister's wedding. I'm nervous about starting it, so I'm procrastinating. At the very worst, I'll work on it the day I get to NY. Then I'll have all day plus a helper (my mom).

I'm headed to Vegas on Thursday. I was there once before when I was 6. Everyone says it doesn't count, but I think it does. What if I choose not to gamble or drink this time around? Would that not count too? I played the ski-ball game that was connected to the horses race to the finish. (Yes, that's pretty much my only memory of the trip.)
Then, I'm headed to good ol' Churchville, NY for a week. (Side note: the town fair and tractor pull is this weekend in Churchville. I was invited via Facebook. I had to decline.) I don't have all the festivities planned out, but my Saturday and Sunday will be filled with wedding-related stuff.

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