Monday, March 21, 2011

Yard work > Soccer (This weekend only)

That's right, I worked in my yard for 7 hours and played soccer for only 3. I have come to this conclusion: yard work weakens my knee far more than soccer. Up until this weekend, I haven't had to wear a knee brace while playing soccer.
Dislikes about my yard (which I fixed this weekend):
- There were giant plots of mulch around my trees. There used to be flowers in there, but it was a pain to weed, plus the flowers died in one or more of the frosts we had this winter.
- The beds in front of my house had a wavy edge. It's quite a pain to mow.
- The side of my house near my garage is ugly. Plus, the grass right up next to the house doesn't grow.
I used yarn to mark where I wanted the new edge. You can see that I took out grass in some areas, and added it to others. And Dewie hung out with me all morning since Mike ran 13 miles about 1.5 hours away.
Check out that tree! The only thing touching it is grass! As I worked through the yard, I put the mulch in buckets, moved some grass where the mulch used to be, dumped the mulch where the grass used to be, and started all over again. And again. And again. Along that empty side, I'm planning on getting some bushes, possibly holly. I have some Holly in the front - I just have to be careful where I plant it because I have 3 sprinkler heads in that newly mulched area.
I also hung my bike. I still have random unopened boxes of stuff in my garage. Next weekend, I think I'm going to work on cleaning that out.

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