The search for peppermint extract: HEB #1 didn't have any. I called the next day and they didn't have any. I then called Walmart, was put on hold for 10 minutes, and then got the response, "Sir, we only have Season 1." (I'm looking for peppermint extract.) "You're not looking for The Vampire Diaries?" (No, peppermint extract is an item used in baking.) "Oh. I'm confused. Are you looking for a CD?" (Sorry lady, I'll look myself, it'll waste less time than calling you.) Hobby Lobby said they had it, but on my visit to the store, they only had peppermint oil and they were all out. HEB #2 was all out. Finally, Randalls had some! Alas, they didn't have candy canes so more trips needed to be made.
Make the meringue, add some peppermint flavor (mix) and some red food coloring drops (don't mix).
I spooned it into a baggie to pipe out. This made it easier, they looked prettier, and they were more uniform in size.
Voila! I love the stripes! (Another perk of piping.) And it was easy. (Hey ma, check out the sheet I used to put the cookies on. It was a great Xmas present last year. I love them!)